
Welcome to WhiHub, the ultimate destination for celebrating and supporting the development of individual and organisational potential and capabilities through the concept of whole intelligence.

About Us

WhiHub is a place where we celebrate and support the development of the potential and capabilities of individuals and organisations, through whole intelligence. 

Whole intelligence (Whi) is ultimately about the ways we live as human beings, and how the five essential kinds of competence combine to create our Whole Intelligence. This rethinking of what it means to act intelligently opens up a powerful and much-needed resource for humanity. Our Whole Intelligence is essential for sustaining mental health, resilience, and energy; it underpins effective leadership and ‘good functioning’ of organisations and communal projects. 
The five essential kinds of competence or explorations are: embodiment, responding to the situation, experimenting, interrelating and self-recognizing. 

Our approach

Our approach is deeply rooted into whole intelligence, meaning that while we are working through the lens of the five explorations as well as with various tools and approaches, we are developing individuals and organizational capabilities to: 

  • Build healthy relationships and teams 
  • Develop self-awareness 
  • Build trust and support systems 
  • Boost creativity and curating ideas 
  • Experiment and being curious of new ways of doing and being 
  • Developing the capacity to respond to complex situations 
  • Empowering individuals to be mindful and in tune with their bodies 

The development of the five explorations and whole intelligence is done through incorporating Gestalt methodology, Systemic mapping, latest trends in adult learning, organisational development, leadership development and coaching. 

To read more about our services and what we do with love and dedication, click on the buttom below.